OK, let's take a moment here to answer a popular question we get here from time to time. And we're happy to do so!
Customers sometimes ask why our Ferocious Beard Company labels are black and white with no trace of color on them. While we acknowledge that they may not be as extravagant as some of our competitors, the reason is quite simple. We print our own labels in house on a thermal printer. And we have backup printers in case one fails.
Here's why:
- As a small-batch company, printing our own labels can allow us to be self-sufficient without relying on external vendors to send us color labels for each and every product we carry. Have you seen prices for a roll of 500 color labels? Multiply that by as many products as Ferocious carries and that can add up pretty quickly! As long as we have blank labels and a product to put the label on, we can print a label for it right away, saving time and money.
- We can "print on demand" when we create new products instead of having to place an order for new labels, so we never need to have a stock of labels sitting around for products that may or may not sell. This saves us a lot of money up-front AND saves on paper!
- It allows Ferocious the financial flexibility to offer significant discounts like a 25% discount to all Veterans, Federal, State and City Police, Firefighters, and other Municipal employees. Plus, it gives us extra funds each month to pay for useful things like having a Mobile App. (You HAVE downloaded our app, right?)
- Because we use a thermal printer, we never have to buy ink! That's always a plus!
So, in a nutshell, YES our labels are black and white. But it's what's inside that will color your world with amazing scents and top quality for your beard.