Mantequilla Cigar Lounge 'HG Blend': el rico aroma del tabaco de cigarro, el cálido sándalo, la suave vainilla, el roble y el caramelo para la barba y el cuerpo.
Escápate a un paraíso exótico conHavana Getaway , un aroma cautivador que captura la esencia de una aventura tropical cubana. Esta fragancia es perfecta para quienes aprecian la calidez y la sensualidad de una escapada a una isla.
Escapada a la Habanaestá elaborado con una mezcla única de notas que evocan la esencia del paisaje cubano. Presenta una nota de salida rica y picante, seguida de un corazón de maderas terrosas y termina con una nota de base cálida y cremosa. La combinación de estas notas crea un aroma sensual y sofisticado que es a la vez irresistible y exótico.
Diseñado para transportarte a un mundo de colores vibrantes y placeres sensuales,Escapada a la Habanaes la fragancia perfecta para quienes desean sentirse y oler lo mejor posible. Su fórmula duradera garantiza que olerás increíble todo el día, mientras que su aroma cautivador y seductor te hará sentir segura y seductora.
Escapada a la Habanaes la fragancia perfecta para quienes buscan agregar un toque de glamour exótico a su rutina diaria. Experimente el aroma rico y picante deEscápate a La Habana y disfruta del encanto de un paraíso tropical.
It's a Christmas present 🎁
So hasn't been open yet! 😆
Barrett J.
Love it and the smell of my beard last all day.
Gabriel G.
Love it.
The perfect rich blends of tobaccos. Really love how well my beard feels after using it.
Thank you Gabriel for your review of Havana Getaway! That blend of oils really makes beards super soft!!
This scent was a perfect indication of what i would imagine a Havana getaway would be
Thank you Shawn for your review of Havana Getaway Butter!! I love the imagery of a tropical evening in Old Town Havana enjoying the scents!
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Layne D.
After a year of Ferocious Products
If you haven’t tried Ferocious Beard Products you are missing out. Great products and Great customer service!!
Ferocious Beard Company
Layne D.
Great Stuff!! From a Great Company!!
As always the beard oil is consistently good. And the Hitchcock scent is spot on!!!! After a year of Ferocious products!!! First week (a year ago) and then last week.
Hitchcock - Fall Collection
Layne D.
I have had a beard for 30+ years. I have tried a lot of products, but I am here to tell you that I have not had a better product than from Ferocious Beard !! You cannot go wrong with this company. Scents are spot on, the products produce awesome results! There are those out there that make claims and there are companies that deliver. Ferocious is that company that delivers!!!
Ferocious Beard Company
Leo C.
It's A T-Shirt
Got this order in quickly and was very satisfied! The quality of the shirt is superb. The material is heavy duty and the ink is top quality. I can see myself wearing this until it's completely worn out! Highly recommend!
Black Ferocious Beard Company T-Shirt
Layne D.
Awesome Products
I order the Oil, Butter and leave in Conditioner (Barber Shop) and they are OUTSTANDING !! Nate has create customer service! I just can’t say enough about Ferocious Beard, great company.