Nuestro jabón líquido de Castilla es un producto líquido a base de jabón de Castilla natural y sencillo, mejorado específicamente por Ferocious Beard Company para limpiar e hidratar el vello de la barba. De hecho, nuestro producto es tan bueno que puedes usarlo todos los días para lavarte la barba sin problemas.
Nuestro jabón líquido de Castilla de 4 oz dura MUCHO TIEMPO y durará al menos tanto como la mayoría de las botellas de 8 oz de otras empresas, debido al hecho de que no se necesita mucho para hacer espuma y limpiar la barba. Un usuario informa que todavía lo usa a diario durante casi 9 meses. Solo se necesita un poco. Cuando lo uso, una botella me dura aproximadamente 2 meses.
¡Mira esta reseña en video sobre cómo funciona nuestro jabón líquido para lavar la barba ! Salta al minuto 1:26 para ir directamente a la reseña de la fórmula para lavar la barba
El champú normal puede ser muy agresivo para la barba y tiende a eliminar los aceites naturales de la barba y a resecar la piel debajo de ella. Nuestro jabón líquido de Castilla proporciona humectantes beneficiosos para la barba y la piel debajo de la barba y una acción limpiadora suave con mucha espuma que se enjuaga rápidamente. Recibirás una botella grande de 4 oz, ¡y una pequeña cantidad es suficiente!
Instrucciones: 1. Agite la botella. 2. Coloque una cantidad del tamaño de una moneda de cinco centavos en la palma de la mano y aplíquela sobre el vello de la barba mojado hasta formar espuma. 3. Enjuague. 4. Listo.
El jabón líquido de Castilla se compone de jabón líquido de Castilla (agua, aceite de coco orgánico, hidróxido de potasio, aceite de palmiste orgánico, aceite de oliva orgánico, aceite de cáñamo orgánico, aceite de jojoba orgánico, ácido cítrico, tocoferol), glicerina, aceite esencial natural o aceite de fragancia.
I love the beard wash for a handful of reasons! The top ones are that it is unscented so I can enjoy the fragrance of whatever I put on my beard after the shower, you need to use very little, and it does an excellent job at keeping those good oils in your beard instead of stripping everything out! The Ferocious Beard Company does it again!!
Michael K.
Naked Beard Shampoo is excellent
Just a tiny amount gives my beard a full lather, and Rinses out completely with ease. It also keeps my skin soft and clean. A great product.
Now, if I could just get some matching conditioner, which always seems to be sold out!!
Michael, thanks so much for your review! We may be bringing back the Conditioner! Stay tuned!
Dennis B.
The best wash
This beard wash really lathers great. It makes the beard soft along with the beard oil.
A little bit goes a long way.
Second bottle and would buy again and again just a dime size get the job done and one of the best scents
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Layne D.
After a year of Ferocious Products
If you haven’t tried Ferocious Beard Products you are missing out. Great products and Great customer service!!
Ferocious Beard Company
Layne D.
Great Stuff!! From a Great Company!!
As always the beard oil is consistently good. And the Hitchcock scent is spot on!!!! After a year of Ferocious products!!! First week (a year ago) and then last week.
Hitchcock - Fall Collection
Layne D.
I have had a beard for 30+ years. I have tried a lot of products, but I am here to tell you that I have not had a better product than from Ferocious Beard !! You cannot go wrong with this company. Scents are spot on, the products produce awesome results! There are those out there that make claims and there are companies that deliver. Ferocious is that company that delivers!!!
Ferocious Beard Company
Leo C.
It's A T-Shirt
Got this order in quickly and was very satisfied! The quality of the shirt is superb. The material is heavy duty and the ink is top quality. I can see myself wearing this until it's completely worn out! Highly recommend!
Black Ferocious Beard Company T-Shirt
Layne D.
Awesome Products
I order the Oil, Butter and leave in Conditioner (Barber Shop) and they are OUTSTANDING !! Nate has create customer service! I just can’t say enough about Ferocious Beard, great company.