PresentandoOrange Cream Pop , un aroma que te transportará a los veranos de tu infancia y a los dulces recuerdos de las paletas de crema de naranja y vainilla. Esta fragancia es perfecta para quienes quieren sentirse alegres, nostálgicos y renovados.
Paletas de crema de naranjaestá elaborado con una mezcla única de notas que se unen para crear un aroma dulce y refrescante. Presenta una nota de salida de naranja jugosa, seguida de un corazón de vainilla cremosa y termina con un toque de azúcar dulce. La combinación de estas notas crea un aroma que es delicioso y nostálgico, perfecto para cualquier persona que ame el sabor dulce y ácido de las paletas de crema de naranja.
Diseñado para traer una sonrisa a tu rostro y despertar tus sentidos,Paletas de crema de naranjaes la fragancia perfecta para cualquier ocasión. Su fórmula duradera garantiza que olerás increíble todo el día, mientras que su aroma dulce y refrescante te hará sentir alegre y animado.
Paletas de crema de naranjaes la fragancia perfecta para quien quiera revivir los dulces recuerdos de su infancia y sentirse renovado y lleno de energía. Experimente el aroma dulce y ácido dePop de crema de naranja y deléitese con la alegría y la felicidad que trae el sabor de un clásico pop de crema de naranja y vainilla.
Flex Oil es un aceite flexible , lo que significa que no solo es excelente para el crecimiento y el acondicionamiento de la barba, sino que también es maravilloso para nutrir el cabello y la piel. Esta es una mezcla unisex hecha tanto para hombres como para mujeres.
Love the product. Light but powerful scent. Took off 1 star because it took 3 weeks to receive the bottle with no updates from the company.
Mike C.
Love the scent, smells just like an orange creamsicle
Tim O.
Orange Cream Pop (Dreamsicle) Oil
So I've been using the scented conditioner for probably a month, now, and love it, but have the bottle of straight oil is just so good! Highly recommend this scent to anyone! Nate always does a great job!
David B.
Very fruity and fresh!
This is a great scent to start with! It's mellow and sweet. If you don't like fruity scents though, you may not like this one since I think it is a little strong compared to the Sublime, but it's not too overpowering!
Oh yes...Orange Cream Pop is a staple at Ferocious Beard Company, and I'm glad you're enjoying this scent.
Love this scent it smells so good.
Thanks Joseph! I love Orange Cream Pop too! We sure do appreciate your review!
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Layne D.
After a year of Ferocious Products
If you haven’t tried Ferocious Beard Products you are missing out. Great products and Great customer service!!
Ferocious Beard Company
Layne D.
Great Stuff!! From a Great Company!!
As always the beard oil is consistently good. And the Hitchcock scent is spot on!!!! After a year of Ferocious products!!! First week (a year ago) and then last week.
Hitchcock - Fall Collection
Layne D.
I have had a beard for 30+ years. I have tried a lot of products, but I am here to tell you that I have not had a better product than from Ferocious Beard !! You cannot go wrong with this company. Scents are spot on, the products produce awesome results! There are those out there that make claims and there are companies that deliver. Ferocious is that company that delivers!!!
Ferocious Beard Company
Leo C.
It's A T-Shirt
Got this order in quickly and was very satisfied! The quality of the shirt is superb. The material is heavy duty and the ink is top quality. I can see myself wearing this until it's completely worn out! Highly recommend!
Black Ferocious Beard Company T-Shirt
Layne D.
Awesome Products
I order the Oil, Butter and leave in Conditioner (Barber Shop) and they are OUTSTANDING !! Nate has create customer service! I just can’t say enough about Ferocious Beard, great company.